Raisu-l-ulema Husein ef. Kavazovic
- Published in
- Category: Raisu-l-ulama
Muharem ef. Hasanbegović was born in 1946 in Cazin (in exile, where his family lived after leaving Foča in the World War II).
He left Gazi Husref-bey's madrasa (Moslem religious secondary school) in Sarajevo and Philological Faculty in Belgrade, department for Oriental (Near Eastern) studies. He worked as imam in Kopači, and leading imam in Goražde, then in Gazi Husref-bey's library, Publishing Center of the Riyaset „El-Kalem" and he was the general secretary of the Culture Club of Bosniaks „Preporod". He was a member of the representative bodies and committees of the Islamic Community, Congress and Executive Committee of „Udruženje Ilmijje" (Ilmijja association).
In the rigged political trial in 1980, as the leading imam of the medzlis of the Islamic Community Goražde, he was sentenced to a seven-year prison term.
During the aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992 he was badly wounded, and after the recovery, at the end of 1994, he was appointed to be the chief of the Reis-ul-ulema's Cabinet and he still does that job. He was chosen to be the chairman of the Main Committee of „Udruženje Ilmijje" (Ilmijja association) in 1998, and on the Voting Conference of „Udruženje Ilmijje" (Ilmijja association), which was held in 2007, he was chosen to be the chairman of „Udruženje Ilmijje" (Ilmijja association) of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Address: Ul. Isa-bega Ishakovića br. 2, 71000 Sarajevo
tel./fax: (033) 441 - 573; 239 - 404
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Reis-ul-ulama's cabinet is daily involved in various kinds of activities that are of importance for the Islamic Community, we shall emphasize the following:
1) planning, organizing and realization of daily, weekly and periodical activities of the Reis-ul-ulama and jobs and tasks of the Office employees;
2) organizing Reis-ul-ulama's and deputy of the Reis-ul-ulama's oral and written correspondence;
3) organizing Reis-ul-ulama's and deputy of the Reis-ul-ulama's protocol activities in the Office as well as outside, including receptions and visits;
4) establishing and realizing of the communication and contacts with internal and external public and the media, statements, reactions, interviews, announcements and similar;
5) activities in connection with relations to Islamic world and non-Muslim religious communities, in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as in the world.
Chief of the Office
Besides taking care about functioning of the Office, chief of the Reis-ul-ulama's Office takes care of the correspondence addressed to Reis-ul-ulama and deputy of the Reis-ul-ulama. He also takes care of the agenda and protocol activities, supervises its realization and carrying out other jobs and tasks within Office's competence.
Chief of the Reis-ul-ulama's Office is Rifat Fetić.
The Raisu-1-ulama is the Supreme Authority and the Grand Muftii of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
The Raisu-1-ulama is a symbol of unity of the Din (Islamic religion) and the Ummat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Hercegovina.
The Raisu-1-ulama represents the Islamic Community within the country and abroad.
The Raisu-1-ulama is assisted in his work, and represented in his absence by his Deputy.
Nomination for the posts of The Raisu-I-ulama and his Deputy shall be from among Alims (Senior Muslim Scholars) who have more than five years of work excpirience in the Islamic Community, and who have gaind a good reputation among members of the Islamic Community on account of their Islamic knowledge and proper Islamic conduct.
Candidates for the Raisu-1-ulama and his Deputy may not be yunger than 40 years of age.
The Council of the Islamic Community draws up a list of candidates and nominates three candidates for the post of the Raisu-1-ulama and three candidates for the post of the Deputy of the Raisu-1-ulama.
The Raisu-1-ulama and his Deputy are elected by the body which consists of the members of the Council of the Islamic Community, the members of the Riyasat of the Islamic Community, the Muftis, the presidents of Mashikhats of the Islamic Community, the deans and the principles of Islamic institutions, the Grand Imams and the presidents of Executive Boards of the Majlises.
The election of the Raisu-1-ulama and his Deputy is carried out by secret ballot among a number of candidates in the manner prescribed by the bylaws which are passed by the Council of the Islamic Community.
The Raisu-I-ulama and his Deputy are elected for a period of seven years with the possibility of re-election for an additional term.
Upon the election of the Raisu-1-ulama and his Deputy, and until the reestablishment of the Office of the Caliph, the Council of the Islamic Community will select a Special Committee whose duty is to hand over the Document of the Manshurah to the Raisu-1-ulama.
Upon receiving the Manshura, the Raisu-1-ulama will take an oath in the Gazi Husrev-bay Mosque in Sarajevo.
The Deputy Raisu-1-ulama will take an oath as well.
The Raisu-1-ulama issues the Document of the Murasalah to the Muftis, the professors of religious sciences and the Khatibs.
The Raisu-1-ulama submits proposal to the Council of the Islamic Community for appointment and dismissal of the Secretary-General of the Riyasat of the Islamic Community and the Director of the Waqf Head Office.
The Raisu-1-ulama may suspend any decision of any organ of the Islamic Community whenever he sees it to be contrary to the Shari'ah Law, by a decision requiring its revocation or by an amendment that will bring it into conformity wit the Islamic norms.
The Raisu-1-ulama is assisted in his work by the Council of the Raisu-1-ulama which is consisted of the Deputy Raisu-1-ulama, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and all the Muftis.
The Raisu-1-ulama is responsible to the Council of the Islamic Community for his work.