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The Faculty of Islamic Studies

Address: Ćemerlina 54, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel.: ++ (387 33) 232 982; Fax: ++ (387 33) 251 044

Web: www.fin.ba


The Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sarajevo is the oldest and the most prestigious degree-granting Islamic education institute in South-East Europe. It stands for the continuation of the centuries old tradition of the Islamic education in Bosnia and Herzegovina that began with the construction of the first mosques, takkiyyahs and the elementary schools (muallim-hana) by the second half of the15th century, continued by building of madrasahs, hanikahs, daru-l-Kur´an and daru-l-hadis schools in 16th century and, in that way, came nearer to European educational models through Shari'ah court school, Aliyya higher grade of  Gazi Husrevbey madrasah and Higher Islamic šerijat-theological school.

Faculty of Islamic Studies in Sarajevo is established following the decision of the Supreme Council and the Supreme Islamic Committee of the IC of former Yugoslavia in 1977.

Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina assumed the rights of the founder.

The Faculty was opened on Shewwal, 15th 1397/ September, 29th 1977 as the Islamic Theological Faculty. Since than the plan and program of studies at the Faculty has been through series of changes, meeting the requirements of the time and the needs of the community. Thus, in academic 1992/1993 the Pedagogical Department was added to the existing Theological Department.

In academic 1994/1995, postgraduate study program was introduced. A fundamental reform of the undergraduate study was implemented in academic year 2002/2003, credit system was introduced and departmental divisions established.

Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies is dr. Zuhdija Hasanović.




Adrress: Žegarska aleja b.b. 77000 Bihać, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tel.: +37 220165 (dean), +37 220162 (secretary), +37 228160 (fax)

Web: www.ipa.unbi.ba ; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


When the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina ended, the Islamic Community was faced with new challenges that were brought about with the democratic changes. One of the priorities was to establish the system for qualified personnel training for the subject Catechism (Vjeronauka) that was first introduced in the curriculum of primary schools of the Una-sana Canton by the end of the year 1992.  As the mentioned subject has already stabilized in the primary and secondary schools during the war, need for the long-term solving of high-graded teaching staff for the mentioned subject, at the end of the aggression, enforced without saying.

The Parliament of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 25th December, 2005 made a decision about establishing the Islamic Teachers' Academy in Bihać. The first generation of the students entered in academic 1996/97. The Islamic Teachers' Academy is united in the University in Bihać. The Islamic Teachers' Academy in Bihać got it building intended for a specific reason and, in 2002, moved in.

The Parliament of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 4th May, 2005 made the Decision about transformation from two-year lasting study into three-year study at IPA in Zenica and Bihać.





Adrress: Prof.  Juraja Neidharta 15, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel.: 032 402-919
Fax: 032 402-919
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.ipf.unze.ba


Ina wartime in 1993/94, which is thought as the most difficult for Bosnian people, the Islamic Teachers' Academy began a work in Zenica. The Academy was planned as the eminent educational institution. The consultation of a great number of qualified and competent individuals, especially university professors, contributed to profiling it educational and organizational concept. The aim of the Islamic Teacher'sAcademy was education of the necessary staff for the subject Islamic Catechism (Vjeronauka) in the primary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 22nd April, 2005 made a conclusion about adopting the suggestion of the Administrative Committee of the Islamic Teachers' Academy about transformation from two-year lasting study into three-year study.

The Parliament of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 4th May, 2005 made the Decision about transformation from two-year lasting study into three-year study at IPA in Zenica and Bihać.

Riyasat of the Islamic Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 9th May, 2005, gave an agreement for establishing the Department of social pedagogy and the Department of pre-school training. Before the received confirmation, the Senate of the University in Zenica had given the agreement for curriculum for the Department of social pedagogy and the Department of pre-school training.

Dr Halil Mehtić is a dean of the Islamic Teachers' Academy in Zenica.