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Grand Mufti's letter to the President of World Jewish Congress on the occasion of the International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust victims

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World Jewish Congress

Mr. Ronald S. Lauder, the President

27 January, 2021


Dear Mr. Lauder

Every year, the International Remembrance Day of the Holocaust victims reminds us of the genocide that happened during the World War II, when 6 million Jews were killed. Notorious camp in Auschwitz was liberated 76 years ago, 27 January 1945, the reason why we commemorate this important date. Civilized world is obliged to repeatedly remember the Holocaust so that new generations do not forget the time when fascism dominated over humanity. We should not get carried away that the evil will vanish by itself from the earth. Forgetting and negating the Holocaust and genocide is unacceptable, as it is the oblivion that leads to similar campaign of dark powers that cannot and do not want to accept the Other and differences. People I belong to entirely compassionate with all the victims of the Holocaust and we will for sure not forget and continue remembering to what happened.

At the end I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you and the World Jewish Congress the assurances of my highest respect.