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Constitutional Court




The Islamic Community's Constitutional Court has five members: five judges and Secretary of the Court. The Judges of the Constitutional Court are:

1. Prof.dr. Fikret Karčić, president;

2. prof. dr. Sulejman Topoljak, member;

3. prof. dr. Vedad Gurda, member;

4. prof. dr. Kasim Trnka, member; and

5. Sabahudin Hajdarević, member.

The Secretary of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community is Nurif Herić, an attorney from Sarajevo.

The current members of the Constitutional Court took up duty on 2014. Their appointments each last six years, with the possibility of reelection.

The Constitutional Court

Article LXV

The Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community is the highest body for the control of the constitutionality of the work of the organs and institutions of the Islamic Community.

The Constitutional Court consists of five members who are appointed by the Council of the Islamic Community upon a proposal by the Riyasat of the Islamic Community.

The members of the Constitutional Court shall be appointed from among outstanding experts in religious and socio-legal sciences who have a reputation in the Islamic Community.

The mandate of the members of the Constitutional Court is six years, during which time they may not be members of any of the representative bodies or executive organs of the Islamic Community.

Article LXVI

The responsibilities of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community are:
-    to evaluate the constitutionality of normative documents and activities of the organs and institutions of the Islamic Community;
-    to make decisions which establish violations of constitutionality and order their corrections;
-    to resolve conflicts of authority in the work of the organs and institutions of the Islamic Community.

Article LXVII

The decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community are binding on all organs and institutions of the Islamic Community.

Responsibility for the implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community falls upon the Riyasat of the Islamic Community.

Article LXVIII

The work of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community is supervised by the President of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community, who is elected by the members of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community at its first meeting, which is called by President of the Council of the Islamic Community.

The work and organization of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community is regulated by a Act passed by the Council of the Islamic Community upon a proposal of the Constitutional Court of the Islamic Community.