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Speech of Raisu-l-ulama at the opening of Germany's First Center of Islamic Theology


The Official Opening

of Germany's First Center of Islamic Theology

Monday, January 16, at 2pm

 the University of Tübingen Festsaal



Raisu-l-ulama Dr. Mustafa Cerić

Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina

It is a great honor for me to speak before this honorable audience of German State officials as well as Muslim, Christian, Jewish and other intellectuals, academicians and students.

It is a unique privilege for me to be a witness here and now of the official opening of Germany's first Center of Islamic Theology.

Indeed, it is a great pleasure for me to express a sincere appreciation on behalf of the Islamic Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina as well as Muslim Communities in Germany and all European Muslims who are committed to peace and security in Europe to the University of Tübingen for an historic motion that will, for sure, make a new productive and constructive relationship not only between the Muslim Community and the German State and Society, but also between the Muslim World and Europe as a whole.

Hence, as an European let me proudly and loudly  congratulate to Germany for its bold and visionary move toward a peaceful, prosperous, successful and happy  Europe of many-faiths, many-cultures and many-opportunities for future European generations free from fear of each other, free from war against each other and free from holocaust and genocide upon each other.


I am sure that the future students at the Islamic Theology of the University of Tübingen will carry out the message of peace - Salām, and that is Islām - peaceful submission to Almighty Gad, the message of security - 'Amān, and that is Īmān - faith, and the message of beauty of humanism - Hasen and that is Ihsān - righteousness.

Indeed, this is the core of Islamic Theology - peace, security and human solidarity - of all Muslims, who shall work hard to fulfill these moral and ethical demands wherever they are, especially here at the University of Tübingen where both theological faculties of Tübingen University, namely Evangelic and Catholic Faculties of Theology, deserve special respect because of their contribution to the world academic history. Many world outstanding scholars have been educated or spent some times here such as Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Hans Küng, Josef Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) and other great minds.

This new Center of Islamic Theology in Tübingen will bring a fresh spirit into the academic life, a spirit which embraces the multi-cultural and multi-religious nature of Europe. Thus, the Center of Islamic Theology, which will promote a culture of peace, tolerance, democratic values and human rights,  is a blessing for Europe and a hope for the Muslim Community that should appreciate the good will of German state and society .

Therefore, my special appreciation for this project is due to all people who were behind this program. My personal gratitude is due especially o the Rector of Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen Prof. Dr. Bern Engler who made this academic endeavor possible. Today as never before we need such brains and such people who recognize the needs for inter-religious dialogue and multi-religious society in Europe.

I am proud of the fact that the representatives of Muslim communities have welcomed this idea and showed an outmost level of cooperation for the process of realization of this unique Center for Islamic Theology.

There are many challenges we are facing today in our different ways, but it seems that some challenges are common to all of us, such as challenges of selfishness, loneliness, materialism and consumerism. If by anything, these challenges might be faced by sincere faith and strong bonds among the believers who are aware of the truth that we are all created by One and the Same God, Who loves us all because we are all His creatures and we are all human beings who are in need of His care which comes through our human care of each other. Indeed, the God's care comes through a friendly care of your brother, of your neighbor, of your colleague, of your teacher and of your student. Thus, we need faith in God in order to have trust in man, and we need trust in man in order to have hope in peace and security in the world. Those who have imagined that it is possible to live as if God does not exist, have missed the argument and failed in their prediction because we see now that people are seeking refuge in God either as their personal salvation or collective peace and security. 

Therefore, it is appropriate for me to emphasize here five most important values that each and every Muslim, male and female, must respect in other person as a person regardless of his/her faith, race or nationality. These five values are: (النفس) life [Leben] , (الدين) religion [Religion], (العقل) freedom [Freiheit], (المال) property [Besitz] and (العِرض) dignity [Ehre]. These five necessities (الضروريّات) of human life and dignity must be respected as God's permanent and unnegotiable gifts to each and every human being. I hope that the students of Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen will get high grades in the lesson of these necessities of human life and dignity and that they will be able to carry out this message throughout the German society as well as the whole Europe.  For, only if we respect the rights of others, we may expect that others respect our rights. The Muslims believe that Europe is their home and homeland and, therefore, they must behave us hosts who are responsible for peace and security in the common house of all members of family. There is no place for violence in family, there cannot be intolerance in the street, there should not be extreme rhetoric in the mosque, and there cannot be any kind of terrorism anytime and anywhere. Extremism of any kind: religious right-wing and politically motivated violence are dangerous for any society and this must be resolutely rejected. Responsible for promoting and approving the extremism must be sanctioned.

The Bosnians as European Muslims have a fresh memory of genocide, but they are aware that the European Union is made possible on the principle of truth, justice, peace and reconciliation. Hence, the Bosnians are prepared to follow the path of the European Union for the sake of a peaceful and prosperous Europe for all.  Together with other religious and cultural communities, the Muslims are prepared to work for a common good of Europe, especially for German society which is extending its gracious hand of friendship by officially opening the first seat for Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen, where the Muslim student have the opportunity to study their theology in order to be become religious leaders in their communities in this country. This event is history in its own right and it should be never forgotten. It should be remembered as the best of heart of German people, as the best of will of the German society, as the best of mind of the German academics, and as the best of policy of the German government.

In return to your kindness, allow me, my dear friends, to present to the Rector Dr. Bernd Engler on behalf of all Muslims one of the best books written by the Muslim philosopher Ibn Sina, Avicenna, called "Al-Shifa", "The Cure", hoping that it will be really "a cure" for many of our diseases today.

This book was republished in Turkey from a collection of the Sultan Mehmad Fatih private library, who liked to read Ibn Sina'a philosophy. I hope that the student of Islamic Theology at the University of Tübingen will learn to read the original text of Ibn Sina's philosophy and be able to understand it content, InshaAllah!    

Thank you and God bless you!